So, how did Titan become the World's Tallest Dog?

Believe it or not, I didn't even know about the title until we moved out West from Atlanta. Once settled into our new digs, we sniffed out all sorts of dog friendly places - and quickly became a part of the wonderful community of San Diego 'Dog People.'
It was Christina, one of San Diego's more notable 'Dog People' - and founder of Bark Buckle Up - who first encouraged us to go for the record. As Titan (only two when we moved to San Diego) grew like a weed, more people - many who knew the current record holder - suggested we throw our hat in the ring. Soon what started as a suggestion was a question posed to us on a daily basis by well wishers hoping to bring the title from Sacramento down to SoCal.
Still, even after meeting Gibson and seeing that Titan was a serious contender; it took me over a year to fill out the initial paperwork - and several more months to plan and hold the actual measurement event. To be honest, though he's a celebrity of sorts at San Diego dog beaches, parks and charity events, I wasn't sure the public would be interested in my boy. Contrary to what the public was used to seeing from the reigning champ, I don't let Titan jump up on people (we consider that bad behavior and bad for the knees) and he doesn't know any tricks. More importantly, I was reluctant to start traipsing him around the country - after all, he's my canine companion, not a circus animal - and I was concerned about putting him in situations that might make him fearful or uncomfortable.
Then several friends reminded me that the title doesn't come with any obligations. It'd be mine to do with as I pleased. And suddenly I realized the enormity of this opportunity - that I could use the title not for commercial or monetary gain, but to bring attention to special-needs and rescue dogs, put in motion some of our plans to help animals, and encourage people around the world to make a difference.
After that, everything just fell into place! Lisa & Karla of Fido & Company offered their uptown doggie day spa for the official measurement, my friends at Brandon Taylor sent out press releases, and I nervously awaited the big day. The star-studded, pawparazzi-filled event drew a crowd of more than 50 two- and four-legged well wishers. Tongues wagged. Cameras flashed. And when the big moment arrived, Titan had a neck spasm that had him hopping around like grease in a skillet!

Although Dr. McAndrew was able to keep her eye on the spot, signaling when Titan hit the record-breaking mark, the actual achievement was mere nano-seconds. Even worse, media footage of Titan’s achievement was inaccurate and inconclusive. So, though it meant waiting even longer for an answer, we scheduled a second, official event. And, after a brief chiropractic session, Titan stood tall (and still) for the cameras, confirming the original measurement of 42.250” at the shoulders. (He actually came in taller, but as we were only trying to confirm the original measurement I opted to limit the second attempt to that height.)
Documentation submitted, the next step was to wait. And wait. And wait. And waiting wasn't always easy, especially when it meant sitting patiently by while fabulous but shorter dogs grabbed the spotlight. And then, literally one day after I decided to turn it over to whatever Higher Power controls the universe I got the call that not only did Titan get the record for World's Tallest Living Dog but that his was going to be the lead-in story for Guinness World Records Day!
Since that moment, things have moved at warp speed. My boy has been on the Today Show, The Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien, Fox 5 Morning News, Magic 92.5 and a host of other interviews. Well wishes have come from everywhere from Atlanta to Afghanistan! And though he's now recognized everywhere we go, the greatest gift isn't his new-found fame but the attention this title has brought to special-needs and rescue dogs everywhere.
People commend me on providing a Forever Home to these dogs with special needs; but the truth is that I've been blessed to be able to share my life with these magical creatures - and now have the privledge to be able to share their world with you!